
Post-quantum security: ESCRYPT participates in the FLOQI research project

As part of a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, ESCRYPT engages in the development of a quantum computer-resistant public key infrastructure (PKI).

The aim of the FLOQI (full-life-cycle post-quantum PKI) project is to create a public key infrastructure that supports both classical and quantum-computer-resistant algorithms, and thus ensures the secure issuing of certificates over the PKI’s entire life cycle even in a future post-quantum era.

Together with Technische Universität (TU) Berlin, Fraunhofer AISEC, BMW, Bosch, Nixdorf, and others, ESCRYPT will implement post-quantum methods on different platforms by 2022. After the methods have been tested for the automotive industry, Industry 4.0, and the financial sector in three demonstrators, the results will then be incorporated into international standards.
