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ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …SoftwareETK Tools ETK Tools V4.4.x

The ETK Tools V4.4.x installation package contains XCT which enables configuration of the XETK/FETK.


ETK Tools V4.3.7

The ETK Tools V4.3.7 installation package contains XCT and ETK Config Tool which enable configuration of the XETK/FETK and ETK respectively. This is the last installation package that contains the ETK Config Tool for the configuration of classic ETKs.

ES100, ES1000, ES400, ES4000, ES500, ES5000, ES600, ES700, ES800, ES900, ETK / XETK / FETK, Lambda Measurement ModulesXETK-S21, …SoftwareHSP (Hardware Service Pack) V14.3.0 HSP (Hardware Service Pack) V14.3.0

Mit dem HSP können Sie Ihre ETAS-Hardware leicht auf die neuesten Funktionen und Erweiterungen aktualisieren.

Die HSP-Vollinstallation beinhaltet neben der Firmware auch das HSP Update Tool (HSP-UT), das einen benutzerfreundlichen Zugang zum Update- und Kompatibilitätsmanagement der Firmware bietet, die auf Ihrer ETAS-Hardware läuft.

Wichtiger Hinweis:

ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …Manual / Technical DocumentationETK / XETK / FETK Sicherheitshinweis ETK / XETK / FETK Safety Advice

Valid for all ETP, ETK, XETK, FETK, BR_XETK products

ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …Manual / Technical DocumentationETAI12 Data Sheet 07.12.2022
ES1000, ES400, ES4000, ES500, ES5000, ES600, ES700, ES800, ES900, ETK / XETK / FETK, Lambda Measurement ModulesXETK-S21, …FAQ / Use CaseDriver and firmware update for ETAS devices with HSP Update Tool Driver and firmware update for ETAS devices with HSP Update Tool

Install USB driver or update the firmware of your ETAS devices to benefit from ongoing improvements: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) points you to the Hardware Service Package Update Tool.

ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21Manual / Technical DocumentationXETK-S21.0B User’s Guide 29.09.2021
ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21Manual / Technical DocumentationXETK-S21.0B Release Notes 25.06.2020
ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …Manual / Technical DocumentationETAI10-Datenblatt 29.04.2019
ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …Manual / Technical DocumentationETAI6 Data Sheet 29.04.2019
ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S21, …Manual / Technical DocumentationETAI8-Datenblatt 29.04.2019