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ES63x 플라이어

Flyer ES63x – Lambda Modules

The ES630/ES635 (single-channel) and ES631/ ES636 (dual-channel) Lambda Modules support Bosch’s broadband oxygen sensors, including Bosch’s LSU ADV sensor with expanded measurement range and fast response characteristics, Bosch’s LSU 5.1 lambda lean sensor, and NTK’s ZFAS®-U2 broadband lambda sensor. They measure lambda values in the range between 0.6 and 16.

Thanks to adjustable limitation of Nernst and pump voltages, the LSU ADV and LSU 5.1 sensors can be operated with optimum effectiveness using the ETAS Lambda Modules.

At a Glance

  • ETAS Lambda Module for the precise determination of lambda values, air-fuel ratios, and oxygen concentrations in exhaust gas
  • Available in single- or dualchannel versions
  • Compatible with Bosch broadband lambda sensors, including Bosch’s LSU ADV sensor with expanded measurement range and fast response characteristics, Bosch’s LSU 5.1 lambda lean sensor, and NTK’s ZFAS®-U2 broadband lambda sensor
  • Integrated measurement of air pressure
  • Optional measurement of exhaust gas pressure
  • Automatic compensation of lambda sensor signal when pressure changes
  • Bright display for standalone operation
  • Measurement, ECU calibration, and diagnostics using INCA
  • Open interfaces and documented drivers for integration into existing tool landscapes
  • Can be used in existing measuring installations instead of ETAS’s LA4 Lambda Module
